FTP 是File Transfer Protocol(文件传输协议)的英文简称,而中文简称为“文传协议”。用于Internet上的控制文件的双向传输。在FTP的使用当中,用户经常遇到两个概念:”下载”(Download)和”上传”(Upload)。”下载”文件就是从远程主机拷贝文件至自己的计算机上;”上传”文件就是将文件从自己的计算机中拷贝至远程主机上。用Internet语言来说,用户可通过客户机程序向(从)远程主机上传(下载)文件。
一. FTP常用的命令
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ftp 主机名称 eg:ftp v0.ftp.upyun.com
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首先需要在本地创建目录,登录成功后进入ftp目录,lcd进入本地创建的目录 lcd 本地的目录 eg:lcd /Users/tianww/Desktop/NewiOS get ftp文件名称 eg:get Install.html put 本地文件名称 put Install.html
basicLanes="AdHoc Release Develop InHouse" for laneName in $basicLanes do if [ $outLaneName == $laneName ] then echo "outer setValue is:$outLaneName" fastlane $laneName version:$versionNumber fi done
# 企业版 证书打包 desc "InHouse by personal apple account" lane :InHouse do |options| typePrefix = 'InHouse' exportMethod = 'enterprise' codeSigningIdentify = 'iPhone Distribution:tww' prepare_version(options) update_provision(typePrefix) prepare_update_project_team('K4W62VQT27') prepare_update_app_identifier("#{INHOUSE_IDENTIFIER}") prepare_update_info_plist("#{INHOUSE_IDENTIFIER}") generate_ipa(typePrefix,options,exportMethod,codeSigningIdentify) end
Do you want to get started? This will move your Deliverfile and Snapfile (if they exist) (y/n) Enter y
Do you have everything committed in version control? If not please do so! Enter y
App Identifier (com.krausefx.app): Enter a unique app ID. Keep this app ID handy, as you will need it later!
Your Apple ID (fastlane@krausefx.com): Enter your Apple ID
Do you want to setup ‘deliver’, which is used to upload app screenshots, app metadata and app updates to the App Store or Apple TestFlight? (y/n) Enter n
Do you want to setup ‘snapshot’, which will help you to automatically take screenshots of your iOS app in all languages/devices? (y/n) Enter y
Do you want to use ‘sigh’, which will maintain and download the provisioning profile for your app? (y/n) Enter y
Optional: The scheme name of your app: (If you don’t need one, just hit Enter.) Press enter
platform :ios do # 1 desc "Creating a code signing certificate and provisioning profile" # 2 lane :provision do # 3 produce( app_name: 'ENTER_A_UNIQUE_APP_NAME_HERE', language: 'English', app_version: '1.0', sku: '123abc' ) # 4 cert # 5 sigh(force: true) end error do |lane, exception| # This block is called, if there was an error running a specific lane. end end
注意:sigh每次默认都会创建App Store Distribution,如果你想创建一个adhoc的profile,你可以指定sigh(adhoc:true),如果想指定一个开发证书, 可以指定sigh(development:true)为简单起见,在此教程中,我们只创建distribution profile
mZone is a simple poker calculator for No Limit Texas Hold’em tournaments that displays a recommended course of action based on your chip count and the current big blind level.
源码管理,我这里选择git(我的代码在git上面),(1)Repository URL填写项目的git地址 (2)Credentials选择add添加git的账号,(3)Branch to build 选择当前项目构建的分支。这样每次构建都会从git上拉取对应分支的最新代码到本地对应job的工作空间中。
构建触发器,选择触发的条件,我这里选择的是 Build when a change is pushed to GitHub,也就是只要有开发人员提交代码到对应的项目分支,就会立即打包操作。当然你也可以选择其它的条件 Poll SCM 日程表可以填写H/15 ,15分支检查一次是否有提交,如果有提交的就会自动打包。
iMac-8:martshow tianww$ pod lib create martshow_public Cloning `https://github.com/CocoaPods/pod-template.git` into `martshow`. Configuring martshow template.
To get you started we need to ask a few questions, this should only take a minute.
If this is your first time we recommend running through with the guide: - http://guides.cocoapods.org/making/using-pod-lib-create.html ( hold cmd and double click links to open in a browser. )
What language do you want to use?? [ ObjC / Swift ] > objc
Would you like to include a demo application with your library? [ Yes / No ] > yes
Which testing frameworks will you use? [ Specta / Kiwi / None ] > no
Possible answers are [ Specta / Kiwi / None ] > none
Would you like to do view based testing? [ Yes / No ] > no
What is your class prefix? > BB
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Example Pod _Pods.xcodeproj LICENSE README.md martshow.podspec
3.在有些情况下,我们在无法区分ipa文件是那种Configuration情况的的ipa文件,为了解决这个问题,我们可以在Build Settings中选择自定义一些参数,选择“+” Add User Defined Settings,定义用户setting选项BUNDLE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX对不同Configuration进行图标展示不同的环境,如下图。